Christmas Quiz and Christmas Trivia Questions

A Christmas quiz has always been popular and is a great way to attract seasonal customers into your pub, bar or social club. In fact, hospitals and convalescent homes also run Christmas quizzes because there is something about them appeals to people.

Perhaps it's the time of year, and the feeling of familiarity that people seem to have with this holiday period, but whatever it is people will gladly try to answer some Christmas trivia questions who would run a mile from a general knowledge trivia quiz. This is in spite of the fact that many questions in Christmas quizzes are general knowledge, with only a fleeting association with the real message of this time of year.


A question such as "In what modern country is Noah's Ark believed to have finally grounded after the great flood receded?" The answer is Turkey, and has an association with Turkey only in that people eat them at Christmas (turkeys, not Turks).

Christmas Quiz and Christmas Trivia Questions

A similar example of Christmas trivia is the question "On what date in 1223 did St. Francis of Assisi assemble the first Nativity scene?" Most would never have clue about the answer to this, but it is a Christmas Quiz, so why not take an educated guess at December 25th? And you would be correct.

So the very fact that we are dealing with Christmas trivia questions should enable us to take a guess at the answer with a good chance of getting them right. Not all answers will be December 25th, but knowing the topic narrows the choices down considerably, and that is one reason why more people will enter your Christmas quiz than just any old pub quiz.

Families also like to hold quiz evenings at this time of year. Generally, however, the questions are a bit too difficult for those not used to regular quizzes. Nevertheless, it is usually possible to pick the easier questions from a bought quiz, and then add some of your own to compensate.

The problem with quizzes is that there is a divide between those that quiz regularly and those that do not, and the regular quizzer will not be worried by questions that others would find difficult - particularly at Christmas when many will read up as much Christmas trivia as they can find before their local pub's Christmas quiz.

If you are considering hosting a Christmas quiz, you will need to keep the questions close to the capabilities of your customers. This is not easy to do, and most amateurs tend to pitch the questions either far too difficult or too easy. They take the view that if they can answer the questions themselves, and then it must be at the right level. Anybody can spot the false logic in that, and it is both easier and potentially more lucrative to pay for your Christmas trivia questions - or even for an entire Christmas quiz.

That is because if you set a bad quiz that is either too easy or too hard for the entrants you will have blown it for any future quizzes. There's nothing wrong with purchasing quizzes, and then slipping a few rounds of your own into them and seeing how they are accepted. Who knows - your may be a quiz setting Laureate, but you have to test the water first before taking the chance of compromising future quiz attendances.

There is no knack to setting Christmas quizzes, but there is setting them neither too easy nor too hard. I once attended a quiz that was doing fine until the last question which was to name the entire English rugby team that beat France in the Six Nations that week. That could result in a swing of 15-20 points (including subs) on one question, and is how not to set a quiz.

A Christmas quiz should not be too sports-oriented. Most people like music and movies with a seasonal theme, and you should have one round on the real Christmas message. Otherwise get started and the best of luck with your Christmas trivia questions.

Christmas Quiz and Christmas Trivia Questions

If you are looking for a Christmas quiz or just some great Christmas trivia questions, then check out the Quiz Guy Christmas Quiz [] on the [] website where you will also find other information on trivia quizzes and quizzing.